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2 08, 2020

Soup of the Day / Günün Çorbası

By | August 2nd, 2020|

2 08, 2020

Potato Chips / Kızarmış Patates

By | August 2nd, 2020|

2 08, 2020


By | August 2nd, 2020|

Served with cherry tomatoes, gherkin pickle and french fries Çeri domates, kornison tursu ve patates tava ile. 

2 08, 2020


By | August 2nd, 2020|

Hamburger / Served with cherry tomatoes, gherkin pickle and french fries. Hamburger / çeri domates, kornişon tursu ve patates tava ile.

2 08, 2020

 Mixed Toast / Karışık Tost

By | August 2nd, 2020|

Toast with cheese and sausage, with garlic served with cherry tomato and mediterranean greens. Kaşar ve sucuklu tost, çeri domates ve akdeniz yesillikleri, garnitur ile

2 08, 2020

Cheese Toast / Peynirli Tost

By | August 2nd, 2020|

With cherry tomatoes and vegetables (yellow cheese and white cheese choices) Çeri domates ve akdeniz yesillikleri ile (kaşar ye beyaz peynir seçenekleri)

2 08, 2020

Sausage Bread / Sucuk Ekmek

By | August 2nd, 2020|

Tomatoes, pepper, lettuce salad. Domates, biber, gobek salata ile.

2 08, 2020

Three Cheese Sandwich / Üç Peynirli Sandvic

By | August 2nd, 2020|

White cheese, yellow cheese, mozerella cheese and garden greens. Beyaz peynir, kaşar peyniri, mozzarella peynir ve bahçe yesillikleri.

2 08, 2020

Clup Sandwich / Klup Sandvic

By | August 2nd, 2020|

Omelette, grilled chicken, yellow cheese, beef ham, pickle and fresh green vegetables with potato chips. Tavuk izgara, sade omlet, dana jambon, kornişon turşu, domates, taze yeşillik ye patates tava ile.

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